Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Presidential Election 2012

Under the direction of Mrs. Breen and Mr. Belliveau, the fifth grade hosted a presidential election at Lincoln-Thomson.  In following with the state of Massachusetts as well as our country, Lincoln-Thomson students unanimously re-elected President Barack Obama.

Kendrick guides the students to the voting booths!

Emma and Victoria assist the students at the voting booths.

Mrs. Scotina's class is checking in to register for voting.

All students must register before voting.

Nutu and Matthew work the registration tables.

Tommy and Michael assist with the voting process.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Ms. Weiner is off and running....again!

One of Ms. Weiner's favorite activities is running, Last year at this time, she ran the NYC marathon, and this year, she drove up to Freeport, ME to run a race called The Great Osprey 10K (6.2 miles) in Wolf's Neck State Park. "I always wanted to hike the trails in this park, so this race gave me the perfect opportunity to visit. The weather was perfect too!" Ms. Weiner said.

Even though it was a hilly course, she ran a quick pace (8:47 a mile) and placed 101/232 overall, and 5/16 in her age group. Needless to say, she was VERY happy!